California Dental Insurance – Horrible Toothache
I have a horrible toothache but I do not want to go to the dentist because I have dental fears that stop me from seeing a dentist Is there anyway I can get pain killers from my doctor?
Reply: You may be able to get pain killers from your doctor. However please note: You can take all the pain killers you want, this will only get rid of the pain. Not the problem.
A HORRIBLE toothache means there is something wrong with your tooth. A pain killer will not fix your tooth. Only a dentist can do that. Being scared of a dentist is an issue that dentist can understand.
Tell the dentist of your concerns they are there to help you and if they know that you are scared they will explain to you what they are going to do. Knowing what is happening helps relive fares. Dentist really are not out to hurt anyone. They try and make what they do painless as possible. If you do nothing but mask the pain you are only going to have a bigger issues, and in the end have to see a dentist anyway. Why put yourself though that?